The emotional society on stage
The emotional society on stage
- (I), Camera, World
- 김숙현 조혜정 / KIM Sook-hyun CHO Hye-jeong
- 2014
- HD / Color
- 24min
- 시놉시스
- As if they’re serving their predetermined social role, dancers fulfill the role of emotional laborers (nursery school teachers, call center workers & mart cashiers, cellphone service engineers, cooks and servers of family restaurants, bodyguards, beauty managers, nursing assistants). The performer pauses for 2 minutes and a half in an analyzed space. Then I ask the performer to smile over and over again. The performer endures the designated time and adjusts one’s emotions through this stalled posture and exaggerated sound. The “cut” – an enforced exit from time – calls off the time the performer endured. The duration time of this yet-to-be-stitched film shows how we are enforced to smile, even in the state of physical and mental pain.
- 연출의도
- There is a certain note of irony when dancers – who express emotion through movement – stand still. That body and emotion is restricted in the external space. Those objects of restriction are the materials of capitalization.
- 상영 및 수상
- 2015 인디다큐페스티벌
2015 전주국제영화제
2015 서울국제여성영화제
2015 인천여성영화제
2015 서울국제뉴미디어페스티벌 - 한국대안영화상 수상
2015 서울국제실험영화제
2015 DMZ 국제다큐영화제
2015 서울독립영화제 - 감독정보
김숙현 조혜정
KIM Sook-hyun CHO Hye-jeong
2016 도큐멘트70: 속물에 대한 6가지 테제
2016 너는, 어디에도 없을거야
2014 감정의시대: 서비스노동의관계미학
2013 홀드미
2012 도시정물
2016 도큐멘트70: 속물에 대한 6가지 테제
2014 감정의시대: 서비스노동의관계미학
2013 홀드미
2011 재구성의경로들
2008 痛 II
2008 痛 I - 스탭
- CinematographerKIM Young
- LightingPARK Chan
- RecordingCHOI Ji
- CastKIM Bo