- 시놉시스
- One day, I get to know a person selling the “The Big Issue,” a magazine founded to support the homeless. We get to spend more and more time together.
- 연출의도
- I started purchasing “The Big Issue” out of sympathy. However, the “Bigpan” and I became connected to each other as time passed by. Regardless of our difference in sex, age, and the path of life, I wanted to break the barriers. Through this film, I attempted to question whether we hastily judge others and draw lines between them and us without taking interest in or attempting to understand them.
- 상영 및 수상
- 2014 인디다큐페스티벌 국내신작전
2013 시청자 참여 프로그램 공모전 우수상
2013 부천시민영상축제 최우수작품상/관객상 - 감독정보
JEON Sung-yeon
2015 <이 시대의 사랑>
2015 인디다큐페스티발
2015 인천여성영화제
2015 제주여성영화제
2015 서울독립영화제
2013 <아저씨>
2013 시청자 참여 프로그램 공모전 우수상
2013 부천시민영상축제 최우수작품상, 관객상
2014 인디다큐페스티발 - 스탭
- DirectorJEON Sung